Unlocking Leader Magic

Unlocking Leadership Magic

In this 2 Hour Facilitated Leadership Skills Seminar

Participants Will Benefit By:

Exploring a variety of leadership styles

Developing a self-awareness of their own Leadership behaviors

Learning the need to shift leadership styles to achieve organizational results

Understanding the absolute necessity of making Integrity the bedrock of leadership

Discovering the true purpose and power of recognition to deliver organizational excellence

Answering the question, “Is leadership what you say, or what you do?”

Unlocking Creativity Magic promises to inspire teams and emerging leaders to challenge themselves to look at creativity from a whole new perspective. In the same way that a magician has to reframe what is possible, James demonstrates that opening up to new ideas and new ways of thinking is the only way to achieve a competitive advantage in today’s world. This is an intensive workshop for generation “Next”

“Creativity: when Imagination collides with opportunity”

– James Songster

Leadership Styles Magic

Participants will explore 4 leadership styles, identifying their own preferred style. As an emerging leader, they will explore the necessity and benefits of being able to move between the styles to meet the challenges of each situation.

Integrity Magic

“It is true that integrity alone won’t make you a leader, but without integrity you will never be one.” Emerging leaders will discover the 3 Rs that serve as the foundation for integrity and the role of personal responsibility.

Recognition Magic

We explore recognition, a subject we all think we understand, but, do we really? Gaining a deeper understanding of the purpose and power of recognition done the right way, and discovering the long-term benefits of doing recognition well is critical to organizational success.