It Starts with Key Skills

I am sharing everything that I have learned in my 30 years as a trainer and instructor at Walt Disney World and delivering it with the skills that I have developed in my career as a performing Magician.



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Unlocking Leader Magic

Unlocking Leadership Magic

Leading Change. Changing Leaders

Unlocking Leadership Magic provides emerging leaders with the same tools, strategies, and expertise that James has used during his successful career with Disney. Learn to create impact and compel lasting, positive change. In times of uncertainty, crisis, and change, the world needs skilled leaders like never before.

“If you think you’re leading, but no one is following, then you’re only taking a walk.”

– John C. Maxwell

In this 2 Hour Facilitated Leadership Skills Seminar

Participants Will Benefit By:

Exploring a variety of leadership styles

Developing a self-awareness of their own Leadership behaviors

Learning the need to shift leadership styles to achieve organizational results

Understanding the absolute necessity of making Integrity the bedrock of leadership

Discovering the true purpose and power of recognition to deliver organizational excellence

Answering the question, “Is leadership what you say, or what you do?”

Seminar Magic takes picture after conference

Unlocking TeamWork Magic

Unlocking Teamwork Magic provides teams and emerging leaders with the tools and strategies to build and maintain empowered, and highly motivated teams. Participants will be building a skill base for understanding and modeling the behaviors that will lead to organizational excellence. In times of uncertainty, crisis, and change, the commitment to develop high performing teams is valued like never before.

 “Teamwork is a strategic decision.”

– Patrick Lencioni

In this two hour Facilitated Teamwork Seminar

Participants Will Benefit By:

Learning effective training strategies to achieve empowerment for your team

Identifying a variety of communication Styles

Discovering 5 easy-to-apply keys for modeling and delivering great customer service

Exploring effective strategies for Conflict Resolution

Understanding the true meaning of T.E.A.M.

James is facilitating Emerging Leader Skills for the Students of Tennessee Tech Business during a session at Disney's Pop Century Resort

Unlocking Creativity Magic

Unlocking Creativity Magic promises to inspire teams and emerging leaders to challenge themselves to look at creativity from a whole new perspective. In the same way that a magician has to reframe what is possible, James demonstrates that opening up to new ideas and new ways of thinking is the only way to achieve a competitive advantage in today’s world. This is an intensive workshop for generation “Next”

“Creativity: when Imagination collides with opportunity”

– James Songster

In this 2 hour Facilitated Creativity Seminar


Participants Will Benefit By:

Discovering the critical need to identify and challenge perceived limitations

Gaining an understanding of three critical roles in the creative process

Developing the first steps for establishing a viable action planning process to put you on the path to organizational excellence

Understanding the essential role diversity plays in building a creative team

Practicing a proven technique for focused problem solving

Accepting the need for self-accountability for fully engaging in solutions

Virtual Program Descriptions

James Songster and the conference attendees

James Songster’s Emerging Leader Training is pleased to present a new virtual series focused on specific skills needed by today’s emerging leader. Each 1 hour interactive module is designed to provide an emerging leader with the tools and skills to be an empowered and empowering leader. These can be offered in any combination, according to the needs of your organization and are ideally suited as a weekly, bi weekly, or monthly series.

Leadership Styles Magic

Participants will explore 4 leadership styles, identifying their own preferred style. As an emerging leader, they will explore the necessity and benefits of being able to move between the styles to meet the challenges of each situation.

Integrity Magic

“It is true that integrity alone won’t make you a leader, but without integrity you will never be one.” Emerging leaders will discover the 3 Rs that serve as the foundation for integrity and the role of personal responsibility.

Recognition Magic

We explore recognition, a subject we all think we understand, but, do we really? Gaining a deeper understanding of the purpose and power of recognition done the right way, and discovering the long-term benefits of doing recognition well is critical to organizational success.

Creative Process Magic

Creativity is what happens when imagination collides with opportunity. Learning from the creative genius of Walt Disney, participants will explore various elements of creativity through activities utilizing effective skills in brainstorming, process development, and problem-solving.

Creative Thinking Magic

Regina Dugan asked: “What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail?” Emerging leaders will learn to challenge their assumptions about how they think they can achieve a goal, and why they believe they cannot.

Creative Problem Solving

You have a great goal, you have ideas how to achieve it, but how do you move from ideas to action? Emerging leaders will explore the purpose and power of harnessing both creative discontent and creative abrasion, and utilize a seemingly simple, yet powerful tool to analyze the actions they do and do not need to take to solve their challenge.

Training Magic

Leaders are often asked to find ways to save money, and training programs are too often the answer given. In this module, emerging leaders will discover the absolute necessity of a strong training program, both initial and on-going, to ensure outstanding outcomes for their organization, and tools to make it a reality.

Communication Magic

A leader is only as a good as his/her ability to clearly communicate the ideas, values and objectives of both their organization and themselves as a leader. In this module, emerging leaders will learn the fundamental skills of “Don’t write so that you can be understood; write so that you can’t be misunderstood”.

Customer Service Magic

Understanding the difference between transactions and interactions is critical to the success of your brand. Participants will learn to better manage customer relationships through the 5 Keys to Great Customer Service and conflict resolution skills, and better appreciate the importance of building trust.